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Aesthetic gynaecology – what is it?

Aesthetic medicine today has many methods to improve the health and well-being of patients.

They can be divided into minimally invasive methods and those involving surgical interference and the range of procedures is always subject to the assessment of a specialist in this field and is individually selected for each patient.

What does cosmetic gynaecology do?

Marek Kwiecień, MD, answers our questions: Aesthetic gynaecology, also known as cosmetic gynaecology or plastic gynaecology, is a relatively new but very rapidly growing branch of medicine. In the modern world, women strive to achieve satisfaction in every area of life, and this also applies to intimate spheres related to health, attractiveness and a sense of fulfilment in sexual life. This new trend in medicine is in line with the expectations of women, whose problem is the appearance or improper functioning of their genitals, as well as lack of satisfaction with their intimate life, problems with acceptance of their body shaped by nature, changing with the passing of time, past pregnancies, etc.

It is not possible to talk about the pursuit of a standard because there is no such thing. The appearance and structure of the genitals have such considerable variety that it is difficult to find an ideal. The task of the aesthetic gynaecologist is to advise and agree on the optimal scope of the possible procedure and to select the appropriate technique and perform it.

What may the patients benefit from the aesthetic gynaecology methods?

Patients of any age and at any time of life can take advantage of the benefits of this branch of gynaecology after, of course, excluding medical contraindications to the procedure.

There are several most common problems that are the reason for consulting a doctor who deals with aesthetic gynaecology, and they can be divided into the following groups:

First of all, patients in whom the problems arise from inborn abnormal structure of external genitals – underdevelopment, asymmetry, hypertrophy of the labia majora or labia minora, hypertrophy of pubic fat, defects in the structure of the hymen or clitoris. This group also includes patients with changes in the appearance of the intimate areas due to trauma and previous medical procedures such as incision or perineal rupture during childbirth complicated by improper healing.

Another group is women with little or no satisfaction from sex life, when the cause lies in the structure or damage to the genitals – too large labia, stretching of the vaginal muscles, distortion of the perineum, covering of the clitoris. These are also the patients who are prompted to intervene by the desire to enhance the „G-spot” in order to increase sexual sensation.

Patients who desire hymen reconstruction for personal or cultural/religious reasons also go to a plastic gynaecologist.

What types of treatments can we offer women as part of aesthetic gynaecology?

Aesthetic medicine today has many methods to improve the health and well-being of patients. They can be divided into minimally invasive methods and those involving surgical interference and the range of procedures is always subject to the assessment of a specialist in this field and is individually selected for each patient.

Minimally invasive procedures use, among others, the so-called fillers: hyaluronic acid and one’s own adipose tissue coming e.g. from the area of thighs, abdomen, pubic area. With this technique it is possible to correct the appearance, improve the firmness of the labia majora, the pubic mound and also emphasize the „G-spot”. Minimally invasive methods include suctioning excess fat from the genital area.

Undoubtedly, great opportunities in the field of minimally invasive methods gives the use of laser, which brings invaluable benefits in procedures such as – rejuvenation and revitalization of the labia minora, perineum and improvement of the structure and function of vaginal tissues both in patients with atrophy after menopause and those after postpartum injuries. The same laser is also used to remove small lesions of the intimate area such as condylomas, moles or discolouration, which are not only a defect in appearance but sometimes pose a serious health risk.

Aesthetic gynaecology also offers procedures in the field of surgical correction of the size and shape of the labia majora and minora, perineal and vaginoplasty, and clitoral correction procedures, as well as reconstruction or sometimes incisions of the hymen.

During a visit, the doctor dealing with aesthetic gynaecology establishes the indications, discusses the benefits of the procedure, presents possible complications or side effects and selects the appropriate method of treatment.

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