Modern prenatal testing
Modern prenatal testing, what can be expected? Which prenatal test to perform? NIFTY test? HARMONY Test? 1st trimester ultrasound? Amniocentesis? FMF test? PAPPA test?
Prenatal tests comparison
The Medfemina Health Centre was the first medical facility in Lower Silesia and Wrocław to introduce the latest generation NIFTY genetic test for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome with 99.9% efficiency. Learn more about the prenatal testing and genetic testing we offer.
Read more about it here.
Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) integrated test
The FMF integrated test is an assessment of an individual’s risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality through the combined testing of ultrasound markers, which are part of the so-called genetic ultrasound, and biochemical markers, from the pregnant woman’s blood.
Test genetyczny HARMONY
Test prenatalny Harmony umożliwia wczesną i dokładną diagnostykę zespołu Downa oraz innych trisomii płodu.
Przeczytaj o tym więcej tutaj.
The offered NIFTY PRO Test determines the risk of aneuploidy by detecting the baby’s genetic material called cffDNA circulating in the mother’s peripheral blood. The baby’s DNA is analysed using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) combined with advanced bioinformatics analyses.
Amniopunkcja to jedno z badań prenatalnych o najwyższej skuteczności. Amniopunkcję można wykonać prywatnie we Wrocławiu w Centrum Zdrowia Medfemina.
Przeczytaj o tym więcej tutaj.
How To Read Prenatal Test Results?
The subject of prenatal tests often evokes many emotions in parents-to-be – it brings joy and a feeling of relief when the results are correct (i.e. the risk of genetic abnormalities is low), and on the other hand, anxiety and fear when it turns out that the results are not correct.