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Pregnancy & obstetrics package price list – Wrocław

Basic gynaecological examinations
Obstetric visit with basic ultrasound examination (patients with medical supervision of pregnancy at Medfemina)PLN 320
Obstetric visit with basic ultrasound examination - multiple pregnancy (patients with medical supervision of pregnancy at Medfemina)PLN 380
Obstetric visit with basic ultrasound examination (patients without medical supervision of pregnancy at Medfemina)PLN 350
Obstetric visit with basic ultrasound examination - multiple pregnancy (patients without medical supervision of pregnancy at Medfemina)PLN 450
First obstetric visit after 10 weeks of pregnancy with basic ultrasound examination PLN 350
Cardiotocography (assessment of foetal heart function and uterine contractions) with doctor's assessmentPLN 120
Cardiotocography multiple pregnancy assessed by a doctorPLN 170
Obstetric visit with basic ultrasound examination - Anna Janusz, MD-PhDPLN 320 (400)
Obstetric ultrasound using a two-dimensional technique (2D ultrasound, 1st trimester - genetic ultrasound, 2nd trimester - half-time ultrasound, 3rd trimester ultrasound - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina)PLN 400
Obstetric ultrasound using a two-dimensional technique (2D ultrasound, 1st trimester - genetic ultrasound, 2nd trimester - half-time ultrasound, 3rd trimester ultrasound - patients without medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina)PLN 450
Obstetric ultrasound examination of multiple pregnancies - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in MedfeminaPLN 450
Obstetric ultrasound examination of multiple pregnancy - patients without medical supervision of pregnancy in MedfeminaPLN 550
Record of any ultrasound examination on a company flash drive, extra charge for 3D/4D ultrasound or photo of colourPLN 50
Doppler examination of blood flow in the uteroplacental and foetal circulationPLN 300
Prenatal testing
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 670
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - without medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 720
Test genetyczny zintegrowany według FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - badanie prenatalne I trymestr - ciąża mnoga)PLN 750
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - multiple pregnancy)PLN 2350
Amniocentesis with foetal karyotype from amniocytes (possible payment in instalments)PLN 1700
Accelerated examination of amniocentesis material using the QFPCR method (result up to 7 days) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 910
Mobile CTG PREGNABIT in pregnancy (from 32 weeks performed independently by the patient at home) - Learn more
Instruction on the use of the device by a midwife at the clinicPLN 50
Weekly rental of the device with a package of 7 CTG examinations and the support of the Medical Telemonitoring CentrePLN 400
Each additional test above the set weekly limitPLN 90
Collecting CTG from the patient's home (at the patient's request)PLN 75
Birth school
Individual childbirth classes - 60 minutesPLN 250
Individual childbirth classes at the patient's home in Wrocław - 60 minutesPLN 300
Individual childbirth classes at the patient's home outside Wrocław - 60 minutesPLN 350+cost of return journey from the Wrocław border, according to the official rate.
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