Ultrasound examination (USG)
Ultrasound examination (USG) is a non-invasive examination consisting in obtaining a real-time image of the cross-section of the examined object.
2D ultrasound is a two-dimensional examination, which allows for the assessment of a cross-section of the uterus and the foetus inside it, along with images of its internal organs
3D ultrasound – imaging with the three-dimensional (3D) technique gives the possibility of spatial evaluation of the examined objects.
4D ultrasound – is a three-dimensional imaging in real time, allows observation of foetal body movements, its „breathing” movements, facial grimaces, the work of its heart.
Breast Ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound
A Doppler test is a type of ultrasound examination that evaluates blood flow in maternal and foetal blood vessels.
When to perform an ultrasound examination?
Dates for individual ultrasound examinations:
Our ultrasound equipment
The top-class ultrasound machine is the alphabet of the work of a gynecologist-obstetrician.