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Prenatal tests price list– Wrocław

Badania USG ginekologiczne i położnicze (Uwaga: cena badań USG obejmuje także koszt wizyty podstawowej)
Obstetric ultrasound using a two-dimensional technique (2D ultrasound, 1st trimester - genetic ultrasound, 2nd trimester - half-time ultrasound, 3rd trimester ultrasound - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina)PLN 400
Obstetric ultrasound using a two-dimensional technique (2D ultrasound, 1st trimester - genetic ultrasound, 2nd trimester - half-time ultrasound, 3rd trimester ultrasound - patients without medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina)PLN 450
Obstetric ultrasound examination of multiple pregnancies - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in MedfeminaPLN 450
Obstetric ultrasound examination of multiple pregnancy - patients without medical supervision of pregnancy in MedfeminaPLN 550
Prenatal testing
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - patients with medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 670
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - without medical supervision of pregnancy in Medfemina) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 720
Test genetyczny zintegrowany według FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - badanie prenatalne I trymestr - ciąża mnoga)PLN 750
Integrated genetic test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation - prenatal examination trimester 1 - multiple pregnancy)PLN 2350
Amniocentesis with foetal karyotype from amniocytes (possible payment in instalments)PLN 1700
Accelerated examination of amniocentesis material using the QFPCR method (result up to 7 days) - possible payment in instalmentsPLN 910
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